Bronx, NY – Pedestrian Injured in Collision on Southern Blvd near Longwood Ave

Bronx, NY – Pedestrian Injured in Collision on Southern Blvd near Longwood Ave

Bronx, NY (October 27, 2023) – A pedestrian crash with injuries happened in the Bronx on the night of October 26. At approximately 10:48 p.m., emergency responders were dispatched to the scene of the wreck on Southern Boulevard. 

EMTs and police quickly responded to the wreck site located in the 700 block of  Southern Boulevard near Longwood Avenue. Reports show that a pedestrian was injured after they were struck by a vehicle. 

The circumstances under which the collision took place remain unknown at this time. The roadway was blocked while police and other responders worked to render aid at the scene, causing significant traffic delays. 

We hope for the full and fast recovery of the injured victim. No further information has been reported at this time. 

New York Pedestrian Accidents

Bronx, NY - Pedestrian Injured in Collision on Southern Blvd near Longwood AveAuto collisions are not an uncommon occurrence in the United States or throughout the state of New York. Every day, more than 17,000 auto accidents take place throughout the US. In New York, approximately 625 car wrecks take place per day. These wrecks occur under countless circumstances, however, negligent driving is often the cause in the majority. Drivers demonstrate negligence by becoming distracted, intoxicated, or fatigued while behind the wheel. Some drivers also travel at unsafe speeds while on busy roadways, posing a serious threat to themselves and everyone around them. 

In all major auto accidents, reckless driving is behind around 33% of them, according to information gathered from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It is vital for drivers to make sure that they are awake, alert, aware, and sober while traveling in order to avoid tragic and even deadly accidents from taking place. Sadly, millions of people suffer injuries in auto collisions caused by the actions of negligent drivers each year, and, tens of thousands end up losing their lives due to these wrecks. 

If you or someone you love has recently been hurt in a crash caused by a negligent driver, you are undoubtedly facing a lot of issues stemming from your accident. You may be suffering from painful injuries while you are unable to work or see your family and friends as much as you might like. This can be overwhelming, depressing, and stressful. Depending on the severity and nature of your accident, your life may have been drastically affected. 

If you believe that a negligent driver caused your crash, a car crash lawyer in the Bronx can help you recover. You have the option to file a personal injury claim for financial compensation that can get you the funds required to pay for medical bills, repairs or replacing your vehicle, wage loss, and other damages. Even non-economic damages are often eligible for financial compensation when you work with an attorney. 

At Metro Law, our skilled legal team works tirelessly to get injured crash victims and their family members the financial compensation and justice they need and deserve during the difficult aftermath that often follows severe car crashes. Call our law office at (800) 469-6476 to talk to a skilled legal advocate who can help you recover.