Drunk Driving

Were You Hurt in a Drunk Driving Accident in New York or New Jersey?

If you’ve been injured in an accident as a result of a drunk driver, there may be legal options available to you. Contact the personal injury attorneys at Metro Law to explore your legal options.

Drinking and driving is an unfortunate and costly choice that far too many people make. Tragically, these poor decisions can lead to loss of life when the impaired driver causes a car accident.

Statistics show that around 28 people lose their lives every single day in the United States due to drunk-driving accidents. In New York and New Jersey, these accidents claim the lives of thousands of people every year. Numerous other victims are left with severe injuries that have a negative impact on their health and wellbeing.

Not only are victims left to deal with painful injuries following drunk driving accidents, but they often face towering medical expenses, lost wages, and an array of mental and emotional burdens.

If you’ve been the victim of or lost a loved one due to a New York or New Jersey drunk driving auto accident, you need someone on your side to help you navigate the legal system. Let that someone be a drunk driving injury lawyer from Metro Law.

We understand the hardship and uncertainty you’re facing as a result of the accident, and we’re ready to help you get compensated for the pain, suffering, and injuries you’re enduring. Contact our New York and New Jersey drunk driving injury attorneys at your earliest convenience to explore legal options available for you.

Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs is a Crime

Driving under the influence with a blood-alcohol level of .08% or greater is a crime. When someone gets behind the wheel of a car after drinking, he or she is placing both his or her own life and the lives of everyone else on the road in danger.

Although there are several laws in place to prevent drivers from entering roadways while impaired, we continue to see numerous people harmed in collisions they cause across New York and New Jersey. Such a careless choice should not go without punishment, particularly when other people are injured or killed because of a reckless decision.

As the victim of a drunk driving accident, whether you were injured or you’ve lost a loved one, you deserve to be compensated for physical and emotional injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other losses caused by the accident. The process to get the compensation you believe is comparable to what you’re facing can be challenging, as insurance companies can give you the runaround and try to give as little as possible, or even hurt your claim. Our New Jersey personal injury lawyers at Metro Law can help you by representing you and your best interests to the insurance companies and in court, should a trial be necessary.

The Effects of Blood Alcohol Concentration

Even a small amount of alcohol can lead to a high blood alcohol concentration level. This generally depends on the percentage of alcohol in the drink, the weight of the person drinking, and various other factors. Although the legal limit for BAC while driving is under 0.08%, studies have found that people can experience the effects of alcohol at much lower levels. Some studies have concluded:

0.02%: This level generally brings forth relaxation, some loss of judgment, and warming of the body. Some people can experience altered moods as well and a decline in visual function. At only 0.02%, some people experience the inability to perform two tasks at the same time or divide their attention.

0.05%: Once people reach this level of BAC, they may experience exaggerated behavior. They may experience the loss of some muscle control, like the ability to focus their eyes. Many people experience impaired judgment and are less aware of their surroundings. In some cases, people have reduced coordination and the ability to track moving objects. Some people have problems steering their vehicles and may not be able to respond to emergency situations.

0.08%: At 0.08%, people generally have poor muscle coordination. Talking and balancing can be difficult. It can be challenging to see and many people have delayed reactions. This level of BAC is dangerous to drive at because many people experience short-term memory loss, have problems maintaining the speed of their vehicle, and are unable to make reasonable decisions.

0.10%: Once a person reaches .10% BAC, they have a clear determination of their reaction time and their ability to control a vehicle. Many people experience slow thinking and poor coordination.

0.15%: People who reach this level of BAC may experience vomiting, have problems staying awake, experience drastic balance issues, and have substantial impairment in controlling their vehicle.

As you can see, the more alcohol a person consumes, the more challenging it becomes to responsibly control their vehicle. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is extremely deadly. In fact, drunk-driving accidents continue to claim the lives of more than 10,000 people in the United States each year while leaving tens of thousands of others severely injured.

If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, you must act quickly to protect your legal rights. Contact Metro Law’s personal injury lawyers in New Jersey as soon as possible to get started on your claim. Our team is available to meet with you and discuss the circumstances surrounding your accident as well as the legal options available to help you get justice.

Common Injuries from Drunk Driving Accidents

Victims who are involved in accidents with drunk drivers often sustain injuries that require medical care. In many cases, victims have to go through both immediate and long-term care for their injuries. Although each drunk driving collision is unique, the injuries that victims are left with are all too common.

Some injuries frequently sustained by Newark and Staten Island drunk driving accident victims include:

Sustaining these and other severe injuries can have a devastating impact on your life. Most victims have to take extensive time off work to tend to their injuries and recover. In some cases, victims require therapy and other long-term care following their accidents. Although there are several treatment options available for victims, there is no guarantee that victims will fully recover.

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a drunk or impaired driver, you may have legal options available. It is crucial that you contact our Staten Island car accident lawyers at your earliest convenience.

Other Consequences of Drunk Driving Accidents

Not only do accident victims deal with painful injuries, but many suffer an array of negative financial issues as well. Victims who are injured in drunk driving accidents can expect to face towering economic burdens related to:

  • Medical expenses
  • Long-term care expenses
  • Assistive care and devices
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earnings
  • Repair costs/cost to replace the vehicle

In addition, many victims face non-economic damages as well. Some of these include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent disfigurement/scarring

These and other damages can be recovered by victims in the form of compensation. Working with a trusted car accident attorney from Metro Law will ensure you are in the best position possible to maximize your recoveries for the damages you face moving forward.

Getting the Support You Need After a Drunk Driving Accident

Should you choose to have one of our New York or New Jersey personal injury attorneys represent you, rest assured that we’ll keep you informed every step of the way and we’ll fight for what you deserve. We’re here to support you, answer your questions, and take some of the burdens off your shoulders.

As you recover from your or your loved one’s New York or New Jersey drunk driving accident, consider other sources of support as well to help you through this trying time. Friends and family are always a good place to look for emotional support and a helping hand with the many tasks brought on by an accident, whether it is traveling to and from doctor’s appointments or handling matters following a loved one’s death.

What to Do After Being Hurt in a Drunk Driving Accident

It’s important in the days and weeks following a New York or New Jersey drunk driving accident that you document your injuries, medical care, and recovery progress. Doing this is easy and should require little time.

Because bruises, broken bones, and lacerations eventually heal, begin by taking photos of initial injuries; these pictures can be used as evidence for your injury lawyer as he or she negotiates your settlement or tries your case. Also, take note of how you feel and how the injuries hinder your daily life.

  1. Get medical care as soon as possible, even if you do not feel seriously injured. You may be in a state of shock and not feel back, neck, or other soft tissue injuries until days later. The longer you wait to obtain treatment, the harder it will be for you to prove that your injuries were caused by the drunk driver accident.
  2. Contact a New York or New Jersey drunk driver accident lawyer right away to protect your right to compensation. Most New York and New Jersey personal injury lawyers will offer a free initial consultation to drunk driver victims.
  3. Let your attorney handle all communications with both your insurance company and the insurance company of the drunk driver.

Seeking the assistance of the personal injury lawyers at Metro Law as soon as possible can help you protect your legal rights. Waiting to take action against at-fault parties can jeopardize your chances of getting justice.

Metro Law Can Help You Get Justice

Most victims who are injured in drunk driving accidents have never been involved in a civil court matter before. For this reason, most injured parties are unsure of what they can do moving forward. Victims are often quick to accept insurance settlements so they can tend to their immediate financial needs. Accepting a lowball settlement offer can negatively impact your ability to recover full and fair compensation in the future.

Our team at Metro Law strongly encourages you to reach out to one of our knowledgeable Newark motorcycle accident attorneys as soon as possible. Our team can meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss the legal options available for you.

At Metro Law, our New Jersey and New York drunk driving accident lawyers are committed to helping our clients get the justice they deserve. We truly go the extra mile for our clients to ensure their legal rights are protected. We believe our experience, results, and personalized representation make us different from most other attorneys.

Victims who are injured in drunk driving accidents deserve justice. For this reason, our law firm works aggressively to help them get the maximum amount of compensation available to them.

We provide legal representation that is highly knowledgeable and effective. If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, contact our New Jersey or New York personal injury law firm today. Find out how we can help you by calling us at 973-344-6587.

We have personal injury law practices in CliftonJersey CityNewarkStaten Island, Elizabeth, and Paterson.