Florham Park, NJ – One Killed, One Hurt in Wreck on Ridgedale Ave

Florham Park, NJ – One Killed, One Hurt in Wreck on Ridgedale Ave

Florham Park, NJ (July 1, 2024) – A traffic accident that involved a vehicle striking two pedestrians at an intersection in Florham Park resulted in one fatality. The wreck occurred just after 11:00 a.m. on Monday, July 1, and involved a southbound vehicle that was headed onto Brooklake from Ridgedale Avenue.

Two pedestrians were headed east across Ridgedale Avenue when they were struck by a vehicle. The driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with authorities. Both pedestrians suffered serious injuries and one later lost their life at a local hospital. The other remains in the hospital with severe injuries. Police in Morris County were seen at the crash scene, along with paramedics and other responders. The investigation into the circumstances of the accident continues. 

We want to offer our sincere condolences to the deceased victim’s family. We hope for the full and fast recovery of the injured victim. 

New Jersey Pedestrian Crashes

Florham Park, NJ - One Killed, One Hurt in Wreck on Ridgedale Ave near Brooklake RdPedestrian accidents happen often in New Jersey. Every year, hundreds of people lose their lives in New Jersey pedestrian accidents. These crashes can occur under several different circumstances. However, negligent driving is the most common cause. Drivers who are fatigued, intoxicated, distracted, and speeding risk their own lives and the lives of everyone they encounter on the road at any given time. If someone loses their life because of another person’s negligent actions, the surviving family of the decedent may qualify for financial compensation for a plethora of damages. Some of those may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Funeral care
  • Burial expenses
  • Cremation
  • Pain
  • Suffering
  • Lost earnings
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Loss of advice/consortium
  • Loss of child care/guidance

Trusting the insurance company to keep your best interests in mind is never wise. Oftentimes, insurance companies are only out to make money, not to protect their customers. Despite the severity of your situation, the insurance company will most likely attempt to get you to settle for less compensation than you need and deserve. If you qualify for financial compensation in a wrongful death case, seeking the help of an experienced wrongful death lawyer is in your best interest.If you can collect compensation to help you pay for the losses and damages you face, you may be able to focus better on healing emotionally and helping your family do the same. A lawyer can help you file a wrongful death claim so you can collect the financial compensation you need to recover financially.After suffering the loss of a beloved family member, contact a wrongful death attorney in Florham Park from Metro Law to see how we can help you. We work hard to ensure our clients are heard and understood during these difficult times. We know how hard situations like this can be, which is why we work diligently to ensure that you can cover the costs that stem from your loved one’s accident without having to worry.Call our skilled wrongful death lawyers in Florham Park at (800) 469-6476 as soon as you can to learn more about your rights toward financial compensation if you have wrongfully lost someone you love due to the negligent actions of another driver.